Sustainability aspects in hotel reviews

From now on, hotel ratings will also include aspects of sustainability. This means that in addition to conventional criteria such as cleanliness, service quality and comfort, the hotel's use of ecological and social resources will now also be assessed.

Grüner Daumen

Specifically, it looks at how environmentally friendly the hotel operates its business premises, which energy-saving measures are implemented and whether sustainable practices are adhered to in supply and waste management. The extent to which the hotel supports local communities and promotes fair working conditions is also taken into account.

This expansion of the assessment criteria is intended to help guests make decisions that take into account both their personal needs and the protection of the environment. The inclusion of sustainability aspects also strengthens the hotel industry's responsibility for ecological and social commitment.

HERE you can access the new evaluation form. You will find details on the enquiry there. 

This site is only available in English.


Sustainable travel - a representative survey by HolidayCheck

What about sustainability when travelling? A study by HolidayCheck shows that Germans are interested in sustainable travel and are willing to spend a little more on it, but still know far too little about the possibilities of sustainable travel.

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