Partner News

Reputation Management
Would you like to constantly improve the reputation of your hotel? Here you can find out how.
How to collect English hotel reviews
Ask English-speaking guests to review your hotel on HolidayCheck. Your advantage: They are also included in the recommendation rate and ranking to the same extent as all others.
API Application Programming Interface connect services on internet and allow network data communication, software engineer touching concept for IoT, cloud computing, robotic process automation
Generating an API Key for Review Comment Integration
Discover how to generate an API key for seamless review comment integration with partner platforms. Follow our step-by-step guide to enhance collaboration and secure access.
Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct is a framework for hotel managers that specifies the options and restrictions in handling hotel reviews at HolidayCheck.
Collect reviews with the Review-Too
The Review-Tool is a website that you can use easily and free of charge on any tablet or computer with an internet connection.
Questions from holidaymakers - Annoying duty or chance of free advertising?
Many holidaymakers are currently in the planning phase. A timely and direct communication with potential holidaymakers is a must. Compared to the competitor, this can be the decisive factor for the booking decision.
The recommendation rate at HolidayCheck
All published ratings, weighted by the recency (month of travel), will be incorporated into the recommendation rate of an accommodation.
Tips on how to get more reviews
Reviews are important advertising for your house and significantly influence the booking decision of potential guests. We give you easy-to-use tips on how to get more reviews.
The fear of critical reviews is largely unfounded
It just happened: A critical review was posted. Let us explain to you why this doesn't equate to disaster, and how to best deal with it.
Template for a post travel E-Mail
You would like to ask your guests for a review after their departure by e-mail? Here we provide a template for it in english and german.
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