Tips on how to get more reviews

Reviews are important advertising for your house and significantly influence the booking decision of potential guests. We give you easy-to-use tips on how to get more reviews.

Guest reviews are an asset to your business

They tell you how happy your guests were with their stay at your hotel, and what areas you could improve in. The more positive reviews you have (this includes the recommendation rate), the higher up your hotel will be in the search results for your region. That way, holidaymakers can find it quicker and more easily than ever before.

Reviews are also tools that potential guests use in order to decide where to stay. In addition to the price, they are decisive for turning a potential guest into a paying customer.

Few guests remember to leave a review after their stay, but the chances of it increase threefold if they are actively asked to do so.

Advice on how to remind your guests:

Advice 1: Talk to your guests in person

Your guests may review your hotel on HolidayCheck as soon as they have spent a night there. Have you thought about asking your guests to leave a review, in person, during the check-out process?

Never put any pressure on your guests or urge them to make, change or delete a review. Learn more about the opportunities and restrictions for active guest contact in the Code of Conduct.

Advice 2: Provide a tablet with the free review tool

Ask your guests on site to leave a review after they depart. Provide a tablet in your lobby that has the REVIEW-TOOL installed. Your guests can enter their email addresses there while they are still at the hotel if they would like to be reminded to write a review once back home. HolidayCheck will email these guests to ask them to review the hotel.

Please note: HolidayCheck is a German language platform. In order to be understood by all users, only German reviews are published. Therefore, the Review-Tool is only available in German. In the Business Center you can have the reviews of your guests translated so that you can understand them. 

Advice 3: Email your guests after they return from their travels

Contact your guests by email after their departure and thank them for their stay. Do not forget to integrate a direct link to the review section for your hotel on HolidayCheck. You can find an E-Mail template in another article.

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Advice 4: Use our free advertising media

Use the free HolidayCheck advertising material and review cards that you can download in our Partner News.

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You can also integrate the "LEAVE A REVIEW FOR US AT HOLIDAYCHECK"-SIGNATURE into your email communication to remind your guests of the reviews without any extra effort on your part. Optionally, you may link directly to the review section for your hotel on HolidayCheck.

Important: We are happy that you have understood the relevance of reviews and want you to actively ask your guests to leave them. Please observe the rules and conditions for active guest contact that we have defined in the HolidayCheck Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is a framework for hotel managers that specifies the options and restrictions in handling hotel reviews at HolidayCheck.

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