Homepage Takeover

Your advantages

  • Placement of your banner on all display advertising spaces on the HolidayCheck homepage
  • Direct link to your website or HolidayCheck profile
  • Visibility on all devices
  • Exclusive integration on the HolidayCheck homepage

Product details

Where is the Homepage Takeover displayed?
The Homepage Takeover is displayed on the HolidayCheck homepage on the domains .de, .at and .ch.

What are the possible durations?
The Homepage Takeover can be booked on a weekly basis.

What does the Homepage Takeover include?
The Homepage Takeover includes the formats: Leaderboard, Medium Rectangle, Skyscraper, Billboard and Mobile Ad.

On what basis is the Homepage Takeover sold?
The Homepage Takeover is sold exclusively on a weekly basis .

Where do the Homepage Takeover banners link to?
The Homepage Takeover links to your desired website.

On which formats is the Homepage Takeover played out?
The Homepage Takeover is played out multiscreen.

How can I see the performance of the Homepage Takeover?
Contact us here and we will be happy to send you your current performance evaluation.

Technical specifications

What technical specifications must be observed for this product?

File dimensions:  Superbanner: 728x90 px
Billboard: 800x250 px
Medium Rectangle: 300x250 px
Mobile Content Ad: 320x50/75/100/150 px

File format physical: JPG|PNG|GIF

                      redirect:  Iframe, Javascript

File size (physisch): 40 KB

Advertising medium: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet



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