Searchbox Ad
Your advantages
- Display with every search query in your region
- Exclusive integration
- Link to your profile on HolidayCheck
Product details
Where is the Searchbox Ad displayed?
The Searchbox Ad is displayed at the top of the listing every time you call up the search bar in your desired destination.
What running times are possible?
The Searchbox Ad can be booked by the week.
Can the Searchbox Ad be booked exclusively for one destination?
Yes, the Searchbox Ad can be booked exclusively for one or more destinations.
What targeting options are available for the Searchbox Ad?
The Searchbox Ad can be displayed at the city, region or country level of your hotel.
Where does the Searchbox Ad link to?
The Searchbox Ad links to your HolidayCheck hotel profile or to a microsite with offers from your hotel chain.
On which formats is the Searchbox Ad played?
The Searchbox Ad is played multiscreen. (Mobile, Tablet and Desktop)
How can I see the performance of the Searchbox Ad?
Contact us here and we will be happy to send you your current performance evaluation.
Are there any requirements or specifications for booking a Searchbox Ad?
All you need to do is have an active Business Center account on HolidayCheck and have uploaded images there. We will do the rest for you.
How do I create a Business Center account?
In this blog entry you will find detailed instructions on how to register in the Business Center.