Hero Area

Prominent placement on the homepage

With the HolidayCheck Hero Area you secure the most attention-grabbing placement on the HolidayCheck homepage.

Your advantages

  • Highly attractive, large-scale placement on the HolidayCheck homepage
  • Exclusive integration
  • Bookable on a weekly basis
  • Prominent integration of your logo
  • Linking to our travel magazine, your destination overview or your profile on HolidayCheck
  • Multiscreen display(desktop, mobile, tablet)

Product details

Where is the Hero Area advertised?
The Hero Area is advertised exclusively on the HolidayCheck homepage www.holidaycheck.de /.at /.ch.

What are the possible durations?
The Hero Area can be booked weekly.

Where does the Hero Area link to?
The Hero Area links either to your destination page on HolidayCheck, an article from our travel magazine or your hotel profile.

What is included in the Hero Area?
The Hero Area includes a prominent image behind the search bar as well as a claim and your logo.

On which formats will the Hero Area be played?
The Hero Area will be played multiscreen .(decstop, mobile, tablet)

How can I see the performance of the Hero Area?
After the end of the campaign we will send you the results.

Are there any requirements or specifications for booking the Hero Area?
We only require suitable and appealing landscape images of your destination as well as your logo.

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